Conclusion: NO in the pterygopalatine and otic ganglia may play an important role in regulating NPY release at the postganglionic fiber ends. 结论:NO可能对翼腭神经节、耳神经节节后神经纤维末梢NPY的释放起重要作用。
The relationship between cholinergic nerves on arteries of the base of the brain and sphenopalatine/ otic ganglia in rabbits 家兔主要大脑动脉胆碱能神经与蝶腭神经节、耳神经节的关系
Objective: To provide anatomic data for further understanding the role of nitric oxide ( NO) and neuropeptide Y ( NPY) in the pterygopalatine and otic ganglia. 目的:为进一步阐明一氧化氮(NO)与神经肽Y(NPY)在翼腭神经节、耳神经节支配机制中的作用提供形态学资料。